Episode 067: Neurodivergent Generations LIVE! - How Is Our Culture Changing?

In a panel recorded live in front of an audience at the 2023 Eye to Eye National Friends and Allies conference, David and Isabelle sit down with Eye to Eye co-founders David Flink and Marcus Soutra, Eye to Eye student leader Kayla and an Eye to Eye student leader’s parent Claudia to discuss what it is like to be neurodivergent—or a parent to a neurodivergent kid—across different generations. Part two of a series. To learn more about Eye to Eye, visit www.eyetoeyenational.org In this part, we cover masking, loving/hating school, and what's next for the next generation.


David Flink shares his story, where he had a family that backed him and had a lot of privileges (being a white male in this country), but he was “invited” to leave four schools. He did not have a community. He met with his first student while he was in college, despite their neurodivergence in common, was very different from him—single mom, Cape Verdean family—became the closest person to him. He met Marcus, and they connected about getting their meds at 3p together, and now, 25 years later, here they are. Marcus points out that people think he was always talking about his learning difference, but he wasn’t, he was going to school to become a teacher at King State college, and he was talking with David Flink, and after he shared his experience in the classroom he was student teaching in and seeing the impact that made on the students, he said “no one is going to listen to us, we’re 22,” we both overcompensated, were so extra professional, always showing up to meeting in suits, having to convince people that they could do this. The first person he openly talked about his learning difference with was Flink. Isabelle jumps in with her story; daughter of Polish immigrants, rags to riches immigrant dream kind of idea, and she had no clue she was neurodivergent until her mid to late 30’s and she hadn’t felt the feeling of what it’s like to be in such a neurodivergent friendly space (with snacks, food, fidgets, people being so direct and honest!) until now, and is so grateful that Marcus and David co-created such a thing. She realizes her community is now other neurodivergent parents who are sitting in their own learning and parenting kids who may be neurodivergent and just working so hard and finding community that way. David wants to normalize what Isabelle is speaking to, which is that we tend to think neurodivergence or learning difference means struggling or hating school, and the truth is so many people realize they are neurodivergent when they lose the structure of school, when they get a new job, when they become parents. David Flink wonders, asking Kayla—we work for you—what are you seeing? What are you hopeful for? What is it like for you? She saw a lot of pull out classes, and her little brother is telling her his experience at school, and it’s a little bit better. She was not pulled out for different classes. In class supports would be helpful, but public school districts are severely underfunded—she hopes that he does not go through so much ridicule and bullying that she had to go through. He’s making genuine friendships; she didn’t have a chance to make those the same way because she was always taken out of classes and kids were too busy realizing her difference. What should we all know about Gen Z? Kayla is describing being in 5th grade, taking these standardized tests and it was on the computer, and she has to take it with the rest of the class. The upside: easier than writing on paper. The downside: everyone is done before her, and everyone is on her “c’mon Kayla, finish up the class” and it just wasn’t enough—if she had the proper accommodations, she wouldn’t have to deal with that bullying. Claudia thinks that this is going to continue to change and evolve. Her Zoomer (wait?! Is this the next generation name?!) Got early intervention and proper accommodations and is dunking in all his classes that are not easy classes. If you have parents that start with acceptance, then seek resources and accommodations for you when you’re really little, the sky is the limit. David names that generationally speaking, don’t sleep on accommodations, and effective early intervention is making a difference we weren’t even able to see before because it wasn’t a resource that was even available to earlier generations. Claudia names that each person’s unique potential and style of intelligence is different, but this sets someone up to live up to their unique greatest potential, whatever that is. Isabelle jumps in with the idea that it’s also a systemic thing, to recognize (as author Julie (see show notes) put it in a talk earlier at the conference) that Gen Z is the first generation of students to even have social emotional learning standards as a part of their curriculum, we’re now seeing the changes because it’s not just on parents to nail it, it’s the larger change that has to happen to a culture through awareness. Marcus names that this cultural change always takes longer than you think it will; when they were first starting Eye to Eye 25 years ago, they were referencing studies just completed by Marshall Raskin about what helped kids with LD to help them launch into adulthood—metacognition, social emotional skills—and David and Marcus were trying to develop an art curriculum that would develop that for students. This was a foreign concept in 2002, and there was a big push for them to “tutor.” They had been tutored, and tutoring means “fixing,” and dyslexia needs “fixing,” and the great book “Overcoming Dyslexia” had just been written (not so great title), and it was awful. Turns out tutoring someone who can’t read by someone who can’t really read is a bad idea. But social emotional learning—BOOM. Changes everything. So they were doing this forever ago, and it’s still something they have to advocate for. It takes generations to make these changes. When David (Kessler) started working with Eye to Eye, he would ask a room full of people “who here has a learning difference” and people would reluctantly barely raise their arms, v. Now- now people own it and they talk about ableism sucking and what can we do to fight society, and… students who know they’re neurodiverse it’s a big difference Kayla sees. She also knows that her school setting matters. She is in a private school for high school, and people who know they have an LD and are proud of it, while her peers in public schools haven’t had the same supports and staff who are also ND modeling it for them. She goes to her teachers at the beginning of the school year, and she advocates for what she needs, and her teachers self-disclose their own ND to her. David describes: kids that aren’t shamed feel better about it. We can’t really learn with shame. Kayla also describes how she has to keep advocating for herself, teachers don't really know what you need and you keep having to explain and name your accommodations.

Julie Lythcott-Haims - OI keynote speaker and author of "How to Raise an Adult" and "Your Turn: How to Be an Adult"

To learn more about Eye to Eye, visit www.eyetoeyenational.org


Cover Art by: Sol Vázquez

Technical Support by: Bobby Richards
Special Thanks to our amazing panelists: Marcus Soutra, David Flink, Kayla Dumas, and Claudia Bouchacourt for their courage, enthusiasm, and willingness to be vulnerable and real. 
Also, so grateful for everyone at Eye to Eye National: Sabrina Odigie (Eye to Eye Executive Assistant) for her logistical wizardry, Alicia Siegel (Eye to Eye Director of Development) for her warmth, welcome, insight and planning, Alexandra Claeys (Eye to Eye Director of Community Leadership) for letting us join her awesomely organized event, Amanda Feliciano (Eye to Eye Outreach and Onboarding Associate) and Philister Lukacevic (Eye to Eye Director of Marketing and Communications) for his patience and help in getting these edits and materials out there! And to everyone at the conference who came to our recording and co-created such a welcoming and safe enough space, we are so grateful you came!